Team Leader
Yue-Jun Zhang
- Business School, Hunan University

Yue-Jun Zhang
- Business School, Hunan University
- Prof. Yue-Jun Zhang is currently the secetary of the CPC of the Business School in Hunan University. His research areas cover petroleum asset pricing and forecasting, carbon trading and carbon emission reduction strategies, and energy economics complex system modeling. He has published more than 130 papers in peer-reviewed academic journals. He has been successively selected as a "Highly Cited Researcher" by Clarivate Analytics and a "Highly Cited Chinese Researcher" by Elsevier. Many of his consulting reports have been approved by the central government. He has presided over 10 research projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Social Science Fund of China, Ministry of Education etc. He serves as the subject editor of Sustainable Production and Consumption and the editorial board member of over 10 international academic journals.
Center for Resource and Environmental Management (CREM) team was founded and led by Dr. Yue-Jun Zhang, a full Professor at Business School of Hunan University. CREM is committed to serving China’s major policy needs in the field of energy and climate change, promoting the development of energy economy, environmental management, climate policy and other relevant disciplines, training high-level comprehensive professionals, and providing scientific consultations for the management and decision-making of the country and giant energy companies. Its research directions mainly focus on crude oil asset pricing, energy and environmental performance evaluation, and carbon emissions trading and reduction policy. The team has more than 20 scholars from universities and scientific institutions such as Hunan University, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China University of Mining and Technology, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Hubei University of Economics, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Guangxi University for Nationalities and 50 graduate students.
The detailed information of CREM can be accessed from the website:

Team Members

Jiao He

Jiao He
- Hunan Institute of Science and Technology
- 1057320378@qq.com
- Dr. Jiao He currently works as an Assistant Professor at School of Economics and Management, Hunan Institute of Science and Technology and post-doctor of CREM. He is mainly engaged in the research on cost and management accounting, power economics, power price theory and practice, and carbon emissions trading in the power industry. He has published more than 10 academic papers and presided several research projects.

Hui Li

Hui Li
- Guangxi University for Nationalities
- lihui_1011@163.com
- Dr. Hui Li works as an Assistant Professor at School of Management of Guangxi University for Nationalities and post-doctor of CREM. He is mainly engaged in the research on energy and environmental management, logistics and supply chain management, and has published 18 academic papers and presided several research projects.

Ting Liang

Ting Liang
- School of Economics and Management, Xidian University
- liangting07031992@163.com
- Miss Ting Liang is a PhD candidate at Business School of Hunan University, and visiting PhD student at McGill University, Canada. She is mainly engaged in the research on resource and environmental innovation management. She has published some papers in Energy Economics, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, etc.

Jing-Yue Liu

Jing-Yue Liu
- Business School of Hunan University
- kerryla@foxmail.com
- Miss Jing-Yue Liu is a PhD candidate at Business School of Hunan University and visiting Ph.D. student at Department of Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, USA. Her main research direction is carbon trading and carbon emission reduction policy modeling. She has published several high-level papers in Environmental Science & Technology, Energy Economics, Applied Energy, etc.

Zhao Liu

Zhao Liu
- Business School, Hunan University
- liuzhao@hnu.edu.cn
- Dr. Zhao Liu is currently a full Professor and vice-Dean at Business School of Hunan University. His research is mainly engaged in energy efficiency and environmental performance evaluation. He has published more than 20 papers in academic journals such as Decision Support Systems, Energy Policy, Applied Energy and Ecological Indicators, etc. In recent years, he has presided 9 research projects from the National Social Science Fund of China and Ministry of Education, etc.

Zhen-Hua Liu

Zhen-Hua Liu
- China University of Mining and Technology
- zhenhualiu@cumt.edu.cn
- Dr. Zhen-Hua Liu is an Assistant Professor at School of Economics and Management, China University of Mining and Technology and post-doctor of CREM. He is mainly engaged in research on climate and energy finance, green consumption behavior, etc. He has published more than 10 papers in Applied Energy, Energy Policy, Resources Policy, etc., and presided 5 research projects.

Shu-Jiao Ma

Shu-Jiao Ma
- Hunan University of Finance and Economics
- msj3132@126.com
- Dr. Shu-Jiao Ma is currently an Assistant Professor at School of Finance, Hunan University of Finance and Economics and graduated from CREM. She is mainly engaged in resources and environmental management, petroleum asset pricing, etc., and has published 8 academic papers (including 6 SSCI papers and 2 CSSCI papers).

Hua-Rong Peng

Hua-Rong Peng
- Hubei University of Economics
- m13296632059@163.com
- Hua-Rong Peng is an Assistant Professor at School of Low-Carbon Economics, Hubei University of Economics and graduated from CREM. She is dedicated to theoretical and empirical research on energy efficiency, carbon market and emission reduction policy tools. In recent years, her several academic papers have been published in Energy Economics, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Energy Policy and Journal of Cleaner Production, etc.

Yishuai Ren

Yishuai Ren
- School of Public Administration, Hunan University
- renyishuai1989@126.com
- Dr. Yishuai Ren is currently an Assistant Professor at School of Public Administration, Hunan University. He is mainly engaged in the research on resource and environmental management, energy-economic-climate policy system modeling and application, big data decision-making and financial innovations. In the past five years, he has published 15 high-level papers in Energy Economics, Resources Policy, Economic Analysis and Policy, etc. Currently he presides the research projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hunan province, etc.

Ya-Fang Sun

Ya-Fang Sun
- China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
- yafangsun@126.com
- Dr. Ya-Fang Sun is a postdoctoral fellow at School of Economics and Management, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and graduated from CREM. She is mainly engaged in the research on resource and environmental management, and has published several papers in Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Annals of Operations Research, etc.

Chao Wang

Chao Wang
- Hunan Institute of Engineering
- wangchao520000@163.com
- Dr. Wang Chao is an Associate Professor at Management School of Hunan Institute of Engineering and post-doctor of CREM. He received his PhD degree from Chinese Academic of Sciences and now he is mainly engaged in the research on environmental and energy economics, science and technology policy and innovation management. He has published 15 journal papers and presided over 10 research projects from the Hunan Social Science Foundation and Hunan Natural Science Foundation, etc.

Wei Wang

Wei Wang
- Business School of Hunan University
- wweihere@qq.com
- Mr. Wei Wang is a PhD candidate at Business School of Hunan University and a senior engineer. He is mainly engaged in energy and environmental policy management and evaluation research, and has published 6 papers in Energy Economics, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, etc.

Li-Min Xing

Li-Min Xing
- Business School of Hunan University
- xinglm0219@163.com
- Miss Li-Min Xing is a PhD candidate at Business School of Hunan University and visiting Ph.D. student at Department of Economics, University of Kansas, USA. Her research interests cover crude oil asset pricing, forecasting and risk measurement. She has published several papers in Energy Economics, Soft Computing, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, etc

Ting Yao

Ting Yao
- Hunan University of Technology and Business
- tingyao_tim@163.com
- Dr. Ting Yao is currently an Assistant Professor at School of Economics and Trade of Hunan University of Technology and Business, and graduated from CREM. She is mainly engaged in the research on crude oil asset pricing and forecasting. She has published several papers in Applied Energy, Economic Modelling, etc., and presided some research projects.

Hongmei Zheng

Hongmei Zheng
- Tangshan Normal University
- zhenghongmei82@163.com
- Dr. Hongmei Zheng is an Assistant Professor at Resource Management Department of Tangshan Normal University and post-doctor of CREM. She is mainly engaged in the research on industrial ecology, urban energy and carbon metabolism research. She published 16 papers and presided research projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China, etc.

Student Members

Meng-Fan Du

Meng-Fan Du
- Business School of Hunan University
- dumengfan0707@163.com
- Miss Meng-Fan Du is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University. She is mainly engaged in the research on green finance and environmental policy modeling. She has published papers in Energy Economics.

Wei Qiang

Wei Qiang
- Business School of Hunan University
- qiangweiabcd@163.com
- Miss Wei Qiang is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University. She is mainly engaged in the field of resource and environmental innovation management.

Wei Shi

Wei Shi
- Business School of Hunan University
- weishi_1205@126.com
- Mr. Wei Shi is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University. He is mainly engaged in the research on carbon trading and carbon emission reduction strategies. Now he has published papers in Energy Economics, Business Strategy and the Environment, etc.

Han Zhang

Han Zhang
- Business School of Hunan University
- hanalms@163.com
- Miss Han Zhang is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University. She is mainly engaged in the research on crude oil asset pricing and forecasting

Yuan-Yuan Zhang

Yuan-Yuan Zhang
- Business School of Hunan University
- zyy_circle2@163.com
- Miss Yuan-Yuan Zhang is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University, and her research is mainly focused on crude oil asset pricing and forecasting.

Hui-Ting Zhou

Hui-Ting Zhou
- Business School of Hunan University
- 2113784134@qq.com
- Miss Hui-Ting Zhou is a PhD student at Business School of Hunan University, and her research focuses on Environmental, Social and Governance in Capital Markets, and has published several papers in Energy Economics and other journals.